Advanced high-temperature low-sag conductors for overhead lines
Congestion of power grids, mainly composed of overhead lines (OHL), results in curtailment of renewable sources and costs billions of euros per year. In 2022, Germany spent more than €4b on congestion management, representing around 30% of the average annual investment for the transmission system1.
Advanced OHL conductors, such as Nexans LoSagTM or HVCRC® technologies, enhance the performance and efficiency of power transmission and distribution infrastructures to meet the evolving demand of the energy landscape with limited expenditure and simplified permitting procedures.
In contrast to standard solutions, the compact designs of High Temperature Low Sag (HTLS) advanced conductors integrate a composite core element, similar in nature to the ones used in aeronautics. This makes it possible to double the current carrying capacity and reduce sagging, even at the highest operating temperatures.
The flexibility offered in current-carrying capacity makes HTLS conductors the perfect match for efficient, fast and scalable integration of renewables. They offer the ability to both operate at optimized losses in standard conditions and carry high current levels without overheating during peak periods.
When used in reconductoring projects, HTLS advanced conductors upcycle existing overhead line infrastructures by doubling line capacity without increasing footprint nor artificialization of soils. Moreover, their lightweight design allows the reuse of existing towers resulting in optimized capex, simplified permitting procedures and fast-tracked projects.
With a proven track record of over 5,000km of ACSS conductors in operation across Europe and over 2,700km of HTLS manufactured since 2011, Nexans has established itself as a trusted supplier of overhead line conductors to Transmission System Operators (TSOs) and Distribution Network Operators (DNOs).
Nexans OHL offers a diverse range of OHL conductors, from standard designs to HTLS and customized options like long crossing and low noise solutions. Their team of technical experts provides comprehensive support throughout all project stages, from design to installation, ensuring top-notch quality and service.
In response to specific project requirements, Nexans also develops tailor-made conductor designs to meet customer specifications.
Nexans’ conductor portfolio includes:
- Nexans ACPR & ACPS Lo-SagTM conductors (launched in 2011), composed of aluminum or aluminum alloy wires (trap and Z-shape) stranded on a carbon-fiber composite core encapsulated in an aluminum casing. This unique design confers Nexans Lo-SagTM conductors an outstanding module of elasticity reaching up to 160GPa, and doubled ampacity with operating temperature up to 160°C.
- HVCRC® conductors, developed in partnership with EPSILON Composites, consisting of a glass/carbon-fiber hybrid composite core and trapezoidal aluminum strands. These conductors can operate at 180°C with minimal sagging. For such conductors, CORECHECK® is a simple testing method developed and validated in-field to ensure the integrity of the composite core throughout the project stages before, during and after installation.
- Nexans ACSS aluminum conductors, supported by ultra-high strength steel strands, allowing line operation at conductor temperatures up to 250°C.
Nexans advanced conductors already reinforce the 220kV and 400kV backbone transmission lines and numerous distribution lines throughout Europe. Additionally, Nexans HTLS composite core solution operates in the Belgium-France interconnection, contributing to a more interconnected and resilient European energy grid.
About Nexans
Nexans. Electrify the future. For more information, please visit www.nexans.com